Friday, August 16, 2019


             Now, I've never witting a blog before. I don't if I'm doing it right and I don't know if I'll be consistent with posts either, but I've wanted to give this a shot for a long time now, and now I have done it!
                 The Karen memes of your dreams are now a reality.

          This post is pretty much so you can just get to know me so you're not like, "Who in the world is this crazy person and why am I here in the first place?"  My name is Kate Sinclair, I am sixteen years old and I am a missionary kid to Cameroon Africa. I have three other siblings and some wonderful parents that God has blessed me with. (My mom is the one who encouraged me to start this up after I had been debating to in the first place (thanks mom!!)) I am a Christian. I love Disney, and Dreamworks and just movies in general. I love music, especially music soundtracks and soft piano music.
            I am an aspiring author, I currently have three WIP's, maybe I'll finish them, maybe I won't. I depend on if I'm in that writing mood. and I love finding quotes and making collages for my beloved characters for those WIP's. 
            I'm going to talk about a lot of things on this blog. Mostly writing tips and advice, but I will talk about things going on in life... and other things I'll think on in the future :D
           So that is all for now!  My other posts should be longer than this, but I just wanted to say a couple of things about myself before I got into full swing!

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