Friday, August 16, 2019

Plot Bunnies. What to do When you get Them, and how to Avoid Them at all Costs.

          Now some of you may not know what I'm talking about, but plot bunnies are those cool new story ideas you get in your head while your working on the previous story idea that you had just an hour ago.
Sanjana V Singh
           It's an endless cycle of pain and misery and all you can think about is, "WHY CAN'T I JUST HAVE ONE STORY IDEA AND STICK WITH IT!?"
          The problem is, there is always going to be more than one story idea, you just need some self-discipline to put that idea on hold until the project you are currently working in is finished, or close to being finished. (says the person who is trying to juggle three stories at a time :') ) And if you love the idea so much that you just don't wanna forget it, have a writing journal of some kind and write down the idea's you get.
          Unfortunately, another downside to having a plot bunny is that you lose interest in your current project and think that this new idea is so much cooler! Now, it may not be that way for some people, but for the people, it does happen, and it stinks! You just gotta push yourself to finish what you have first before you go on something new. It helps to listen to music that makes you think about your WIP because music is awesome and it somehow cures everything. just kidding, but listening to music really does help!
          Another thing is Pinterest boards. If you have quotes and aesthetics for a character you'll feel like that character is the coolest thing ever, and you'll feel like you know that character more. I have a Pinterest board for every one of my characters because I feel like I know them more. Each of my characters has different aesthetics and quotes because they're all different in some way or another, and if you love a character, you'll love the story they're in. (I know from personal experience)
           Collages! I love doing collages because they're just so pleasing to see, and you get to know the character more when you make them! If you don't know what colleges are here are some ones that I have made just so you can get a feel for what they are.

          Ooooh, fun right?? Now, I use to make collages on my computer, and I use an app called Pic collage on my mobile device. They both have their own pros and cons, but I personally like Pic collage more because you can add up to twenty pictures in it.
          Now, we should probably get to the "How to avoid them" part, and you basically do everything I just said. Listen to music that is related to your WIP, Pinterest, collages, and you can even draw your characters if you're good at that kind of thing.
           *hands you a sword* good luck my friend, I wish you well on your writing journey and hope that you're not totally bombarded by plot bunnies.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the sword. I'm gonna need it. *goes to fight off all the plot bunnies*

