Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Language in books and my thoughts about it

          Hey guys!! Sorry, I've been sick the last couple of weeks and I'm finally feeling up to writing again! Sorry about such a long break. 
          So I wanted to talk about language in books. I am not allowed to read books with language in them, and that gets really annoying at times because I see all these people talking about books that look super amazing and that I am legitimately interested in, and when I ask if they have language in them, I feel like 9 out of 10 times the answer is always yes.  
           This gets really old because I would love to read those books, but now I can't. 
baboon I am disappointed gif
         So, now I'm here to tell you why I don't believe language needs to be in books.
 It doesn't get your point across any better 
Have you ever heard a person swear or curse and just thought, "Why did that word even need to be in that sentence? Was it really necessary?"

you might be like, "Kate! What about this character that swears like a sailor!? It's vital to his character, he isn't the same without his swearing!!" Well, what's wrong with just saying, He swore? or replacing it with an even milder word than your using already? In my book A Case of Revenge, it has characters that swear on occasion but I don't write out swear words because I don't believe that it's relevant to the story. Some of the best selling novels like Hunger Games, Mysterious Benedict Society, and many others don't have language in them and they are some of the best books in History! (And if you haven't read those books they are excellent and I highly recommend them)
Now, I'm sure people will probably hate and probably spam me with a lot of questions on this topic because this is a tricky topic to talk about. Some people don't have a problem with writing or reading language in their books, and you know what? That's great! People are entitled to their own opinions, but are your opinions going against what God's word says? I'm glad that you can read those kinds books without having to worry about anything, but there are some people out there in the world (aka, me) who can't read books with profanity because we believe that it isn't pleasing to God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." If you write language in your books do you think you are pleasing the Lord with your writing? Another good verse that is good on this topic is Ephesians 4:29 says, Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers." 
If you do write language in your novels is it edifying your readers? Most importantly is it edifying God?

I hope y'all will think about these questions. I am going on vaction this next week so I won't be able to write for a couple weeks, but as soon as I come back I'll be sure to write something up as soon as possible!!


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