Monday, April 6, 2020

Thoughts on COVID-19

This Corona Virus thing has been hard. 
Trust me. I know.
Plans have been canceled.
People are stuck inside going absolutely insane.
People are bored out of their minds because they've done everything they could have done a million times and now there is nothing else to do.
There are some things that God has been showing me during this time of trouble, and I want to be able to share some of it with you all 
During this time, some of the things I've seen (even from myself, you guys, I'm not perfect) is that people start thinking about themselves when they're going through a hard time.
Trust me. I have been doing the same thing. I thought I was going to be able to spend an entire week in Olathe Kansas with all my friends in June, and now I don't even know if I'll be able to go and it's been hard for me. But something that I have to keep reminding myself is that... It's not all about me.
My counselor told me something this week that I didn't think about since this entire thing started. She told me that a bunch of her PTSD camps had been canceled and that she was super sad she wasn't going to be able to speak. I had to pause because I realized, "Oh yeah... Other people's plans have been canceled. It's not just me." It was kind of embarrassing because I saw how selfish I had been through all of this.
Maybe you have thought about all the people who's plans have been canceled. That's awesome! You're not as selfish as me! But I know there are times where we look around and think, "Man. I have nothing to do."
the problem is... There is always something you can do.
Something my counselor challenged me to do was to just take a moment and think about what you could do /for others/ that would make their day. It doesn't have to be some grand elaborate thing. it could be you taking a couple minutes out of your boring day and making your siblings bed. Or your parent's bed. Write your parents a note. Tell them how much you love them. They're in the same boat as you, give them some encouragement! Wash the dishes, make dinner, vacuum the living room. Or just ask your Mom or Dad "Is there /anything/ I can do to help you with this or that thing?" Just that question alone could make their day. But you wouldn't know unless you asked, huh?
Something else I've wondered is, "WhEn iS tHiS gOiNg To Be OvEr?!?"
Well. Only God knows when it's going to be over, and quite frankly, I shouldn't even be thinking about the things of tomorrow.

Matthew 6:34 (KJV) says:
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

To be quite frank. Tomorrow is none of our business. We have plenty of problems with the day we are in now, why are we stressing out about what's going happen tomorrow, or the day after?
Yes, this is a little preachy, but I'm preaching at myself here too. I worry about what's going to happen tomorrow all the time! It's just our human nature, but we need to cling to God and his Word in the time of uncertainty and trouble. Yeah, You've probably heard that a million times just this last month probably. But we can't stress it enough because it is so important right now.

Being thankful is another thing that we humans brush off. Yeah, it's hard to be thankful when you're in a bad mood or scared or whatever, but take at least five minutes of your day, and think about what you're thankful for. Our family has family devotions every night and something we've been doing differently each day is just go around the room to say something we're thankful for. God has blessed us with so much, and we tend to forget that God was the reason we were blessed with it in the first place. So take a few minutes out of your day, and just think about what God has blessed you with and what you're thankful for.
Another thing I've found to be helpful is just... writing down words that make me happy. In no particular order. I just sit with a piece of paper and a pen and jot down these little words that make me smile when I think about them. It is a way of being thankful after all.

I hope this little bit is a help to some people. It's just a bunch of things that God is teaching me and I just feel like other people need to know.
God Bless


Sunday, April 5, 2020

Character Personality Struggles

Something I've often struggled with, (And I know others struggle with it too) is when your Characters don't do what you want them to do. Maybe their personality changed -cough- I mean, developed, and doesn't match with how you imagined them. Maybe it messes with the way they do stuff and so it takes your story in a direction... you didn't want to go.
Well, today I hope to give you a couple tips on what to do when that happens!
But most importantly, the movie gave us the best GIF ever, which has been adapted again and again. | 18 Reasons "Road To El Dorado" Is The Most Underrated Movie

I didn't know what gif to use this time. 

The Phase of Character Development
When we start off any book of any kind, we come up with Characters for the story in our head. Characters are what make up a story, so if your characters aren't very developed, the story itself isn't going to be very good. Readers will get bored because the character is boring and end up putting the book down, and never pick it back up again.
So, when you start off with a group of characters, you want to develop them until they are realistic and personal to the reader. Then the reader will love the character and want to know what happens to them.
But, sometimes there are those characters where you think they'll be one way, but end up being something completely different. 
this will make them flat and hard to work with because you're trying to make them do something when they don't even want to do it. They'll have two different personalities shine through because, on one hand, you're trying to make then do what /you/ want them to do, while on the other, the character just wants to do his or her own natural thing.
You might be thinking, what on earth am I supposed to do when that happens?!

1. Change Your Point of View
When I was writing my first WIP, I hit a rut in the road. My Hero's ally/Menor started developing and was becoming... a character I did want him to be. In my eyes, this character was going to be strong, mature, and kind of like a leader in a sense. Someone that will get my MC on the right track. But boy, after a little bit of developing, I realized he wasn't like that at. all.
He was slow, kind of blond, and definitely NOT the leader type.
I got stuck because he wasn't doing what I wanted him to do, so what did I do?
I took a step back, and thought, what can I do to keep this story going, but also have my characters feel real? And then I realized that maybe I was using the wrong characters for the wrong things. I just needed to switch my MC and my ally, and you know what? I kind of worked! the story started to flow a little bit better and now I have an idea about what I want to happen in the story.

2. Roll With It
If you find your character doing something that is out of the ordinary, don't get frustrated and stop the presses just because your character isn't sticking to the outline of your book. (That's why I don't even outline my book 😋)  Raise an eyebrow, say, "What is this?" and keep going. You might find out something that could be awesome for your book, or maybe, it was just something that helped develop your character.

3. Take a Break to Work on Your Character
If your character just isn't working with you, no matter what you do just take a moment to pull away from your story and try to develop your character. write drabbles, throw them in instances where you want to see what they'll do. If you don't have any inspiration on what drabbles to write about, go on Pinterest and look up writing prompts. It's seriously that easy.
Even if you don't have Pinterest, go to a family member, ask a friend for ideas or instances your character can go through. 
It'll help you take a break from your story but also help build your character up.

I hope this little bit of info can help you!
Don't stress out over your characters. Take a deep breath and just try to work it out in ways that will be fun for you!


Friday, March 27, 2020

How to Stay focused With Your WIP

This post is probably going to be very similar to my 'How to avoid Plot Bunnies' post, but this is actually just... staying focused on your work. Which people (including me) have a hard time doing!


I have written one rough draft, and when I started writing the second draft, I got bored and decided to work on something else. DO NOT DO THIS PLEASE!! Your book is going to be amazing when you finish it!! You just have to hang in there until the end.
When I got bored, I started working on a new rough draft. I had been developing the main character for this book for close to two years, and because of that, I had a ton of energy going into the writing stage. I'm in chapter nine out of twelve and I still have a ton of energy to get this book like... done. Like, put up on Amazon. So here are some things I have found that have helped me stay focused on my project.

Develop Your Characters till They Seem Real!
In my project, The Power Within my main character, Georgia, is a shy introvert who doesn't want to do anything that will get her in trouble or anything at all for that matter. Me being the extrovert it was very very VERY hard to write the character without cringing and wishing that I was more introverted. So, I did what any good writer would do, I started to develop my character Georgia with the help of my best friend. We did roleplay type situations for close to two years and in the end, all I have gotten out of the character are comments like this from my writing teacher:
"You have done a really good job getting into the head of your MC. I especially like her narrative voice."
For an outgoing extrovert, this is the best comment I could have gotten on my MC and it encouraged me to keep going, which brings me to my second point,

Helpful Compliments!
Everyone always feels good when someone compliments their work. I know I do! And when I get complimented on my writing I want to keep going. I just love knowing people's reactions and I love getting that positive feedback. This isn't really helpful for you as a writer to stay focused, but I know that it will help other writers stay focused. So, take maybe thirty minutes out of your day and read a chapter of somebody's work! critique it if you want to, or just say, "This chapter was so good!!" Who knows, maybe they'll do the same thing for you. Or if you want a guarantee real read from your work, Just ask if people wanna critique swap. We're all stuck at home right now anyway, it's not like we have anywhere to be.

Pinterest Pages
Now. I love Pinterest. probably more than I should. and I have a Pinterest board for ALL of my characters, and I find that every time I end up pinning a gazillion pins to one board I get very excited about that character and just want to write about them. I'm not saying you should spend three hours on Pinterest pinning pins to a board looking for inspiration. It may work for some people more than others, but if you're one of those people that likes Pinterest, I highly suggest you do this for like five minutes sporadically throughout the day.

I was never really a playlist person up until about a month ago, but ever since I created a playlist for my book, I enjoy writing so much more. Every time I start writing in my rough draft I open up my Spotify and press play on my playlist that I have organized. and I have found that I write better and I actually enjoy writing more when I do that.

Don't forget to take a break
Writing is exhausting. So when you find that you're having a hard time staying focused... take a break. it's okay! But just be sure that you don't take to long a break because who knows how long you'll end up not writing when you do that. 

I hope that some of these tips help you all! I'm not an expert, but I can help as best as I can

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Summer Workshop 101 for newbies.

Summer Workshop 101 for newbies
(advice from someone who's only gone once)

It is finally that time of year where everyone in the OYAN universe is hyping up for that one week in Olathe Kansas that teenagers from all over the world (like 300 of them) save up hundreds of dollars just to be a part of.
That's right folks. It the Summer Workshop.
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(actual footage from one Summer Workshop that I wasn't a part of.)

I had the privilege of going to Summer Workshop 2019: Theme park.
It was an amazing week for me, but... there were some things that I wasn't ready for and that I wish someone had prepared me for. So I am here to help you newbies brace yourselves for what to expect.
also give you tips on what to bring and just help you out with a bunch of stuff.
So, here we go.

To those OYANers that have made friends on the forum and can't wait to see them in real life at Summer Workshop

When you make friends with people on the forum and you find out they're going to Summer Workshop, naturally, you freak out. You think, "Oh my soul!!! I am going to spend a week with all my friends from Summer Workshop!!!"
Maybe you are! Maybe you find your squad and hang out with them all week long.
But there are other people at Summer Workshop that probably want to hang out with them too, so don't feel left out when they want to hang out with someone else for the morning, or afternoon or evening.
Also, if you think that you're going to do something with someone... and they don't know about it, don't be surprised if they have something planned out with someone else.
Plan. things. out. with. people. ahead. of. time.
There isn't a lot of time to do everything you want, so make a list of things that you would like to get done before the week is over.
Another thing is, there are so many people there, you probably won't be able to meet everyone you want to because the campus is so big and again, you don't have a lot of time.
One thing I don't want to do is discourage you. If you read this and find yourself discouraged, or suddenly really scared that your plans aren't going to go your way. Don't be discouraged.
Even if you do find yourself alone at some point, find someone that looks like they're alone.
It does wonders!!
Last year I saw a guy sitting all by himself during lunch and I made it a point to reach out to him.
and you know what? He was a pretty awesome dude! We had an amazing conversation that I wouldn't have had if I didn't go up to him and talk to him.
So, if you see someone that looks alone, talk to them! Invite them to sit down with you in the cafeteria or the main auditorium, you might make a new best friend!

Summer Workshop Expectations
If you are anything like me, you are going to have a lot of expectations about how the week is going to go.
my advice?
Don't have expectations.
you don't know what you're going to expect at Summer Workshop so just don't have expectations.
I honestly thought it was going to be the best week of my life.
I had high hopes... and those hopes were crushed.
I thought I was going to hang out with my best friends all week and just have a blast with them.
But... that's not how it worked at all.
They all met up with other friends of theirs and I really didn't have a lot of time to spend with any of them.
And it was super disappointing!!!!
So yes, don't go with high hopes and expectations.

there are some things you can expect though:
1. Hugs
from everyone
2. Clapping 
(i won't specify where)
3. Random Weirdness
from OYANers and Mrs. S
4. People asking your forum name
5. Clothespins from who knows where
6. Kind Notes <33
7. Cool Cosplays
8. Kansas Heat
9. Inside Jokes
10. just general amazingness 

Ah yes. The long, one hour sessions that happen every morning and every evening.
They. are. amazing.
When you get there you are going to get a small notebook with session titles and who is speaking.
You can't go to every session (sadly) but bring a highlighter and highlight the ones that you think would help you in your writing journey the most.
they give you a notepad so you can take notes, but bring a notebook just because ;)

Critique Groups
One of the best things about Summer Workshop is the critique groups. They run from 1:30 to 4:30 every day starting Tuesday and let me tell you. They are so. much. fun. If you think that three hours is a long time.
You are dead wrong.
When you are done every day, you are going to wish you could stay longer.
Here are just some tips for things you can do and bring to make your critique group the
 1. Bring snacks!
Everyone loves Oreos and Hershey's kisses the most (just don't bring anything with peanuts. ever.)
2. when critiquing, say more positive things than negative things.
when you say positive things, it really encourages the writer to like their work. Yes, point out the stuff they need to fix, but make sure to compliment on it too!

Mentor appointments
Now, every year you can purchase a mentor appointment.
I say purchase, but it is completely free (while slots last)
When you get a mentor appointment you get fifteen minutes with one of the special speakers of your choice to just... ask questions.
You can ask for advice, or you can even give them an excerpt from your novel for them to read and critique.
Last year I signed up to be with Stephanie Morril, and it was amazing the stuff I learned in just fifteen minutes.
If you don't want a mentor appointment, that is fine, but I highly highly recommend you get one.

Stuff to bring
Now, I will get into the stuff that You should bring (if you want to come totally prepared)
1. Sharpies 
Bring alllllll kinds of colors. For signing your notebook, and/or drawing on other people. (super duper fun)
2. Clothespins
This is optional, but I highly recommend you pack some so you can sneak them on people.
3. pens or pencils
for taking notes.
4. extra notebook
 yes, they give you one at the beginning of the week but bring an extra one because why not.
5. Backpack or something to carry all your stuff in
It's really hard carrying your notebook, and sharpies and pens and excerpts with just your hands (that sounded bad) so bring something to carry all that stuff for you!
6. blanket, or some means to keep warm in the dorms
I don't know how it is in the boys' dorms, but the girls' dorms are generally pretty cold, and the blanket they give you isn't the thickest thing in the world, so if you want to stay warm during the night bring another blanket just in case.
7. Toiletries 
This includes shampoo, body wash, conditioner and you know all the stuff that you need when you take a shower.
8. Water bottle
The Kansas heat is merciless in June, so please please PLEASE stay hydrated. We don't want anyone passing out this year or any year.

The End
Well, that about wraps up this post for Summer Workshop.
For all you newbies that are going, I hope you enjoy yourselves, and you guys have a fantastic week
thank you for reading this long post.
leave a comment down below about what you are looking forward to the most at Summer workshop!
Who wore it better? (No potato at the end) - 9GAG

Thursday, January 16, 2020

How to write shy and quiet characters

So, haha, I've been all over the country and haven't had any time to write, but I am here now!! And today I am going to hopefully help you how to write a shy and quiet character.
Why So Shy GIF

Now, I am better at the more snarky kind of characters, but I have had experience with some shy characters and here are some tips that have helped me when it comes to writing these kinds of charries.
So, one of the things I've found is that: Not all shy characters stay shy forever.
Surely this character has a friend or a relative that they are comfortable talking to, and if they don't at the beginning of their story SURELY someone has to come along to try and pull them out of their shell eventually right?! I mean, if they are super shy we, as the audience, are never gonna get to hear the voice of this character because they don't trust anyone to talk to. Now, my character Georgia is pretty shy, and when people talk to her that she has never met before, she is pretty quiet and will basically only give very short answers to their questions (if they ask her any) She won't exactly smile unless she feels comfortable, and she definitely won't start any conversations, which brings us to our second point!
Most shy characters will not start any conversations
If a shy character is approached by a person that they don't really feel comfortable with they will. not. initiate. the. conversation.
From what I've found, they like to listen more than talk so just be aware of that too. Trust me I forget this rule a lot and them people are like, "bruh, she wouldn't do that."
Blushing doesn't just come from thinking about the person you really like or love. Blushing also comes when you're embarrassed. Now, just be aware that this tip isn't just for shy characters, I just see it more often in shy characters.
If a character says something wrong or hears people laughing behind them and thinks they're laughing at them, 9 out of 10 times they'll blush without even thinking about it.

This post isn't very long but I hope it helps y'all in some ways!