Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Summer Workshop 101 for newbies.

Summer Workshop 101 for newbies
(advice from someone who's only gone once)

It is finally that time of year where everyone in the OYAN universe is hyping up for that one week in Olathe Kansas that teenagers from all over the world (like 300 of them) save up hundreds of dollars just to be a part of.
That's right folks. It the Summer Workshop.
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(actual footage from one Summer Workshop that I wasn't a part of.)

I had the privilege of going to Summer Workshop 2019: Theme park.
It was an amazing week for me, but... there were some things that I wasn't ready for and that I wish someone had prepared me for. So I am here to help you newbies brace yourselves for what to expect.
also give you tips on what to bring and just help you out with a bunch of stuff.
So, here we go.

To those OYANers that have made friends on the forum and can't wait to see them in real life at Summer Workshop

When you make friends with people on the forum and you find out they're going to Summer Workshop, naturally, you freak out. You think, "Oh my soul!!! I am going to spend a week with all my friends from Summer Workshop!!!"
Maybe you are! Maybe you find your squad and hang out with them all week long.
But there are other people at Summer Workshop that probably want to hang out with them too, so don't feel left out when they want to hang out with someone else for the morning, or afternoon or evening.
Also, if you think that you're going to do something with someone... and they don't know about it, don't be surprised if they have something planned out with someone else.
Plan. things. out. with. people. ahead. of. time.
There isn't a lot of time to do everything you want, so make a list of things that you would like to get done before the week is over.
Another thing is, there are so many people there, you probably won't be able to meet everyone you want to because the campus is so big and again, you don't have a lot of time.
One thing I don't want to do is discourage you. If you read this and find yourself discouraged, or suddenly really scared that your plans aren't going to go your way. Don't be discouraged.
Even if you do find yourself alone at some point, find someone that looks like they're alone.
It does wonders!!
Last year I saw a guy sitting all by himself during lunch and I made it a point to reach out to him.
and you know what? He was a pretty awesome dude! We had an amazing conversation that I wouldn't have had if I didn't go up to him and talk to him.
So, if you see someone that looks alone, talk to them! Invite them to sit down with you in the cafeteria or the main auditorium, you might make a new best friend!

Summer Workshop Expectations
If you are anything like me, you are going to have a lot of expectations about how the week is going to go.
my advice?
Don't have expectations.
you don't know what you're going to expect at Summer Workshop so just don't have expectations.
I honestly thought it was going to be the best week of my life.
I had high hopes... and those hopes were crushed.
I thought I was going to hang out with my best friends all week and just have a blast with them.
But... that's not how it worked at all.
They all met up with other friends of theirs and I really didn't have a lot of time to spend with any of them.
And it was super disappointing!!!!
So yes, don't go with high hopes and expectations.

there are some things you can expect though:
1. Hugs
from everyone
2. Clapping 
(i won't specify where)
3. Random Weirdness
from OYANers and Mrs. S
4. People asking your forum name
5. Clothespins from who knows where
6. Kind Notes <33
7. Cool Cosplays
8. Kansas Heat
9. Inside Jokes
10. just general amazingness 

Ah yes. The long, one hour sessions that happen every morning and every evening.
They. are. amazing.
When you get there you are going to get a small notebook with session titles and who is speaking.
You can't go to every session (sadly) but bring a highlighter and highlight the ones that you think would help you in your writing journey the most.
they give you a notepad so you can take notes, but bring a notebook just because ;)

Critique Groups
One of the best things about Summer Workshop is the critique groups. They run from 1:30 to 4:30 every day starting Tuesday and let me tell you. They are so. much. fun. If you think that three hours is a long time.
You are dead wrong.
When you are done every day, you are going to wish you could stay longer.
Here are just some tips for things you can do and bring to make your critique group the bomb.com
 1. Bring snacks!
Everyone loves Oreos and Hershey's kisses the most (just don't bring anything with peanuts. ever.)
2. when critiquing, say more positive things than negative things.
when you say positive things, it really encourages the writer to like their work. Yes, point out the stuff they need to fix, but make sure to compliment on it too!

Mentor appointments
Now, every year you can purchase a mentor appointment.
I say purchase, but it is completely free (while slots last)
When you get a mentor appointment you get fifteen minutes with one of the special speakers of your choice to just... ask questions.
You can ask for advice, or you can even give them an excerpt from your novel for them to read and critique.
Last year I signed up to be with Stephanie Morril, and it was amazing the stuff I learned in just fifteen minutes.
If you don't want a mentor appointment, that is fine, but I highly highly recommend you get one.

Stuff to bring
Now, I will get into the stuff that You should bring (if you want to come totally prepared)
1. Sharpies 
Bring alllllll kinds of colors. For signing your notebook, and/or drawing on other people. (super duper fun)
2. Clothespins
This is optional, but I highly recommend you pack some so you can sneak them on people.
3. pens or pencils
for taking notes.
4. extra notebook
 yes, they give you one at the beginning of the week but bring an extra one because why not.
5. Backpack or something to carry all your stuff in
It's really hard carrying your notebook, and sharpies and pens and excerpts with just your hands (that sounded bad) so bring something to carry all that stuff for you!
6. blanket, or some means to keep warm in the dorms
I don't know how it is in the boys' dorms, but the girls' dorms are generally pretty cold, and the blanket they give you isn't the thickest thing in the world, so if you want to stay warm during the night bring another blanket just in case.
7. Toiletries 
This includes shampoo, body wash, conditioner and you know all the stuff that you need when you take a shower.
8. Water bottle
The Kansas heat is merciless in June, so please please PLEASE stay hydrated. We don't want anyone passing out this year or any year.

The End
Well, that about wraps up this post for Summer Workshop.
For all you newbies that are going, I hope you enjoy yourselves, and you guys have a fantastic week
thank you for reading this long post.
leave a comment down below about what you are looking forward to the most at Summer workshop!
Who wore it better? (No potato at the end) - 9GAG

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