Thursday, January 16, 2020

How to write shy and quiet characters

So, haha, I've been all over the country and haven't had any time to write, but I am here now!! And today I am going to hopefully help you how to write a shy and quiet character.
Why So Shy GIF

Now, I am better at the more snarky kind of characters, but I have had experience with some shy characters and here are some tips that have helped me when it comes to writing these kinds of charries.
So, one of the things I've found is that: Not all shy characters stay shy forever.
Surely this character has a friend or a relative that they are comfortable talking to, and if they don't at the beginning of their story SURELY someone has to come along to try and pull them out of their shell eventually right?! I mean, if they are super shy we, as the audience, are never gonna get to hear the voice of this character because they don't trust anyone to talk to. Now, my character Georgia is pretty shy, and when people talk to her that she has never met before, she is pretty quiet and will basically only give very short answers to their questions (if they ask her any) She won't exactly smile unless she feels comfortable, and she definitely won't start any conversations, which brings us to our second point!
Most shy characters will not start any conversations
If a shy character is approached by a person that they don't really feel comfortable with they will. not. initiate. the. conversation.
From what I've found, they like to listen more than talk so just be aware of that too. Trust me I forget this rule a lot and them people are like, "bruh, she wouldn't do that."
Blushing doesn't just come from thinking about the person you really like or love. Blushing also comes when you're embarrassed. Now, just be aware that this tip isn't just for shy characters, I just see it more often in shy characters.
If a character says something wrong or hears people laughing behind them and thinks they're laughing at them, 9 out of 10 times they'll blush without even thinking about it.

This post isn't very long but I hope it helps y'all in some ways!

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